In the tranquil town of Tozeur, Tunisia, UNICEF's efforts are making a profound difference in the lives of vulnerable families like Zakia Jmou'i's. Following the loss of her husband and the absence of her children's mother, Zakia shoulders the responsibility of caring for her grandchildren, including Mayssa, who, at 18, has taken on the role of both mother and father to her younger siblings.
Through the support of UNICEF, alongside contributions from the German and American governments, families like Zakia's receive crucial financial aid, enabling them to meet essential needs. This assistance not only provides relief from economic strain but also opens doors to opportunities for children like Mayssa, who dreams of establishing a business to support her family. With UNICEF's support, these families find hope and resilience, embodying the power of collective efforts in safeguarding vulnerable children and nurturing their potential for a brighter future.
Tozeur, Tunisia. 2023.
Done for UNICEF Tunisia
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